
Choreographed by DJ Dan & Wynette Miller (Aug. 2005) djdan_miller@hotmail.com 
Description  4 wall line dance, 32 counts, beginner/intermediate, 104 bpm
Music  My Give a Damn’s Busted by Jo Dee Messina. CD: Delicious Surprise 
& Fever 16, Intro 32 counts

1-8 	Walk, Walk, Heel Switches; Step, 1/2 Pivot Turn, Shuffle Forward
1-2 	Step right forward Step left forward.
3& 	Touch right heel forward. Step right next to left
4& 	Touch left heel forward. Step left next to right
5-6 	Step right forward. Pivot 1/2 turn left. [6]
7&8 	Shuffle forward stepping right, left, right
9-16 	Kick Forward and Diagonal, & Cross, & Cross; Side Rock, 1/4 Turn Coaster Step.
1-2 	Kick left forward. Kick left to left diagonal.
&3 	Step on ball of left to left side and slightly back. Cross right over left.
&4 	Step on ball of left to left side and slightly back. Cross right over left.
5-6 	Rock left to left side. Recover weight onto right.
7&8 	Make 1/4 turn left step left back. Step right next to left. Step Left forward. [3]
17-24 	Hip Roll, Shuffle Forward; Right and Left.
1-2 	Touch right toe diagonally right fwd roll hips clockwise in 2 counts (weight remains on left).
3&4 	Shuffle forward stepping right, left, right
5-6 	Touch left toe diagonally left fwd roll hips anti-clockwise in 2 counts (weight remains on right).
7&8 	Shuffle forward left, right, left.
25-32 	Rock Step Forward, Shuffle Back; Slide Back Left/Right, Coaster Step
1-2 	Rock right forward. Recover weight onto left.
3&4 	Shuffle back stepping right, left, right.
5-6 	Slide and step left back. Slide and step right back.
7&8 	Step left back. Step right next to left. Step left forward.
	Start again…………and have fun.
Every effort has been made to ensure these cue Sheets are accurate, Should you find any errors,
Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert
http://www.arjjazedance.free-online.co.uk September 2005